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  • Writer's pictureBusiness Council Staff

Ranking: New York is the 20th Best State

New York State is the 20th-best state according to a recent ranking from U.S. News. The Empire State's ranking is based on high scores for its natural environment, health care, and education. Holding New York back from a higher ranking were categories including economy, opportunity, and fiscal stability.

The ranking, which used data points such as infrastructure, public safety, fiscal stability, and education, was determined from a survey of its citizens, establishing which categories they cared most about. New York's highest ranking, second, among the 50 states, was "natural beauty."

"With 47,000 square miles statewide, New York state offers vast regions of wilderness. Most notable are the Adirondack Mountains, home to hiking at the state's highest peaks and family-oriented ski resorts," the ranking stated.

New York's lowest ranking, 49th, among the 50 states was in "opportunity." Health care, and Education, ninth each, were the only other rankings in the top ten.

Other rankings included "crime and correction," 11th, "infrastructure," 28th, "fiscal stability," 29th; and "economy," 45th.

Utah was ranked as the best state, while Louisiana was ranked dead last.


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