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Poll: 51% Approve of Governor Hochul's Job of Attracting Businesses to New York State

According to the latest Siena College Research Institute (SCRI) poll, 51% of those surveyed approve of Governor Kathy Hochul's efforts to 'encourage businesses to locate New York State."

The latest poll released this week shows that democrats (66%) far outweigh republicans (31%) on the business approval question. Of those polled, 19% "strongly approved" of the governor's efforts to attract business, while 32% "somewhat" approved. Of the total number of New Yorkers polled that disapproved, 14% "somewhat" disapproved, while 23% "strongly disapproved" of her efforts.

Thirteen percent of those polled either did not have an opinion or refused to answer the question.

A more concentrated breakdown of those polled showed women overall (54%) approved of her efforts to attract business compared to men (48%).

A report released in October 2022 showed New York State ranked 49th in business tax climate.


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